Whirling Return of the Ancestors, January 24 – April 8
Month: March 2017
2016-2017 Events
Pleasure and the Pleasurable in Africa and the African Diaspora
2013-2014 Events
Gendering and Queering the African Diaspora
2012-2013 Events
Gendering and Queering the African Diaspora
2009-2010 Events
AFRICAN DIASPORA AND THE ATLANTIC WORLD RESEARCH CIRCLE (ADAWRC) 2009-2010 ACADEMIC YEAR PROGRAMMING Mellon Seminar on The African Diaspora, Genetics, and Genealogy REPORT Description Our year-long seminar, “African Diaspora, Genetics and Genealogy,” funded by Mellon, …
2008-2009 Events
Spring 2009 Announcements Welcome to New Diaspora Cluster Hire: Dr. Keisha LindsayWe are pleased to announce that Dr. Keisha Lindsay will be joining the African Diaspora and Atlantic World Research Circle in Fall 2009. Dr. …
2007-2008 Events
Spring 2008 Schedule of Events Wednesday, April 16–206 Ingraham Hall, Noon, Dr. Beverley Peart Anderson, Ph.D., Sociology, Chicago State University, will present African Retentions and Western Institutions in Jamaica: The Fate of Friendly Societies”. Monday, …
2006-2007 Events
Thursday, April 12 – The Border and Transcultural Studies Research Circle presents Rejin Leys: L150 Elvehjem, at 4:00pm “Contemporary Haitian American Art: The Work of Rejin Leys” Rejin Leys is a Haitian-American mixed-media and book artist. …
2005-2006 Events
March 23 – 26, 2006. Venue: Pyle Center, UW-Madison. International Symposium on the African Diaspora and the Disciplines Wednesday, February 22, 2006 – Seminar. Toni Pressley-Sanon, The Uses of Zonbi: A Haitian Icon’s Convergent Meanings Across Temporal and …
2003-2005 Events
Introduction Over the past ten years, the African diaspora has become a vibrant research and teaching field, with scholars from multiple continents working across disciplinary and area boundaries to explore the artistic, literary, musical, religious, …